We have a big site at work but after the company expanded we were running very short on office space. Most of our accounts team was in a demountable office and they were really hot in summer and cold in winter. It was so much better for the whole team once we got the new office block built on site. This blog talks about the process of building a new office block, including the design and construction of a block for your team. I hope it will be useful for anyone looking to build a new office block on their site.
22 October 2018
Everyone understands that the four basic rules of ensuring that electrical system are ensuring that the system stays clean, dry, tight and friction-free. However, this does not mean that they always follow the right maintenance processes to make sure that the state of the wiring is maintained. One of the weaknesses which people have when it comes to domestic and industrial electrical wiring maintenance is that they tend to wait till something stops working before they address it.
4 October 2018
If you want to avoid delays when building your new home, you might want to keep the following two tips in mind. 1. Have your builder construct the house before or after cyclone season New home builders often recommend that their clients have their homes constructed either before or after cyclone season (this typically occurs between late spring and mid-autumn). The reason for this is that if you arrange for the building work to be carried out during cyclone season, and your home is being built in a cyclone-prone area, there is a very good chance that delays will occur during the construction project, due to adverse weather conditions.
8 September 2018
If you are planning a building of any type, then you are probably thinking about the floor layout of the building, or what the frontage will look like. What you may not be thinking about is the piling you may need to support the building. It's easy to get caught up in the appearance of the building and finding the arrangement to make the best use of the floorspace, but if your structure doesn't have a solid foundation, then you are simply wasting your time as the building won't last.
26 July 2018
Security screen door installation is beneficial for keeping your home safe from burglars and robbers. In general, most intruders gain access into houses through the main entrance doors of the structures. For instance, a thief might find their way in through a door left open to facilitate natural ventilation. If you install a security screen door, you will not need to be concerned about this high level of vulnerability. The screen will reinforce protection, deterring most would-be intruders.
31 May 2018
Are you thinking of installing an air conditioning system? Air conditioning systems are quite a costly investment, and you have to be very careful when choosing one for your home. Finding an air conditioning system that works perfectly for your home will require careful consideration of a few crucial factors. One of the significant decisions you will have to make is choosing between a ducted and a ductless system. Both have their pros and cons and are ideal for different applications.