Building a new office block
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Building a new office block

We have a big site at work but after the company expanded we were running very short on office space. Most of our accounts team was in a demountable office and they were really hot in summer and cold in winter. It was so much better for the whole team once we got the new office block built on site. This blog talks about the process of building a new office block, including the design and construction of a block for your team. I hope it will be useful for anyone looking to build a new office block on their site.

Building a new office block

Reasons Why You Should Conduct Soil Testing When Starting a Vegetable Garden

Troy Medina

Are you planning to start a vegetable garden in your home? One of the crucial steps in promoting healthy plants is testing your soil. Quality soil should provide the right nutrients to promote plant growth and increase yield. Unfortunately, strong winds and rainwater can wash away the soil nutrients, rendering it unsuitable for plant growth. Without soil testing, your gardening efforts may end up being futile. Therefore, before getting started, consider the following benefits of conducting soil testing on your garden.

Determine the best plants to grow

Different plants thrive in different soil conditions. The type of soil in your garden can influence your choice of plants. For example, sandy soils suit root vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, parsnips, turnips, radishes and onions. These vegetables don't develop properly in heavy, poorly-drained soils such as clay.

Clay soil is dense, which makes it ideal for shallow-root vegetables such as lettuce, chard and snap beans. The firm anchorage provided by the dense soil also suits broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts. Loamy soil is a mix of the various soil types; thus, it has the right balance of density, moisture and warmth. Thus, most plants thrive with this soil type.

A soil test reveals the type of soil in your garden, which helps you determine the best vegetables to grow. If you have sandy soil and wish to grow plants that love clay soils, you can amend the soil to create the right conditions for your preferred crops.

Check for nutrient deficiencies

Nutrient deficiencies can inhibit plant growth and reduce yield. Carrying out a soil test reveals the nutrients in the soil. Fertile soil should have the three basic nutrients: nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. It also needs calcium, magnesium, sulphur, zinc, iron, copper and manganese. 

Low levels of basic nutrients can inhibit growth. For example, low levels of nitrogen lead to poor leaf growth and insufficient chlorophyll for photosynthesis. A soil test reveals these deficiencies, allowing you to amend your soil with the right fertilisers to create suitable soil conditions for growth.

Promote disease management

Many disease-causing fungi lay dormant in the soil, awaiting planting. For example, the pathogen that causes blight in tomatoes lies dormant in the soil for years. Once you plant your tomatoes, the pathogen awakens and creates problems for your crop. Luckily, a soil test can reveal viruses and fungi in your garden soil. This allows you to treat the soil beforehand and protect your plants from disease infestation.

Soil testing is not a one-time exercise. Strive to test your soil at least once every year to unearth potential problems that could affect your yield.
