Building a new office block
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Building a new office block

We have a big site at work but after the company expanded we were running very short on office space. Most of our accounts team was in a demountable office and they were really hot in summer and cold in winter. It was so much better for the whole team once we got the new office block built on site. This blog talks about the process of building a new office block, including the design and construction of a block for your team. I hope it will be useful for anyone looking to build a new office block on their site.

Building a new office block

Yes, Get Another Boundary Survey Before You Do Any Landscaping

Troy Medina

Land surveys are usually done before any new construction, and many people interpret that to mean any new building construction. But sometimes the land surveys have to be done before new construction of anything, including fences, retaining walls and major re-landscaping that affects the boundaries of your property. Do not ignore this need. Getting a boundary survey now, even if you've already got one from when your home was built, will only help you.

That Series Of Surveys Will Help If There's A Dispute

When you get a new boundary survey done for your land, it will show one of two things. Either the new survey will match the initial survey done for your land, or it won't. If it matches the initial survey (or any surveys done after official changes in boundaries, such as if you purchased adjacent land after buying your home), then there's no problem. You can proceed with your retaining wall, fence or other new feature and know that as long as you stay within the boundaries described in those surveys, you're fine. Should your neighbour claim that you're building on their property, you can show the series of surveys that all indicate the same boundary line.

If the survey boundary doesn't match, though, you'll need to investigate why. Don't build yet, and be thankful that the survey found a discrepancy that could have gotten you into trouble with your neighbour.

What If Your Neighbour Has A Survey Showing A Different Boundary?

Compare the dates on the boundary surveys. If the neighbour's survey is older and you know there was a purchase of adjacent property or a transfer of property, you need to find the paperwork from the purchase to see if the neighbour's survey was taken before that change in boundary lines. If there wasn't a purchase or transfer, both you and your neighbour may need to go back to the companies that surveyed the land to see why they have such different results.

Boundaries Affect Details

One more reason why you want to go back and redo the boundary survey for your land is that the boundaries really do affect the details of your plans. If you need to build a retaining wall against a slope that's right on the boundary, for example, the construction as planned may cross over the boundary. You'd need to have new plans drawn up so that you wouldn't be building on your neighbour's land, or you'd need to get permission from the neighbour to proceed as originally planned.

Contact a land surveyor to inquire about boundary surveys. They don't take long, and they are very helpful for finalising plans.
